One of the most powerful ways to improve training is to simply be a more positive communicator.
Positive communication is contagious and brings out the best in yourself and in those around you.
When you become a positive communicator, people are more likely to listen to you, the conversation goes better, and the results can be transforming.
10 Ways to Become a More Positive Communicator
1. Think before you speak or act.
Don’t just react. Pause and take a minute to think about how you want to respond in an accountable way. If you don't know something, or how to respond to something, 'park' the issue, find out more, and then respond.
2. Keep an open mind.
Don’t jump to conclusions. Every story has two sides to it and somewhere in the middle you’ll find the truth. Trainees may have great examples or stories to enrich your training, be open to these!
3. Discuss rather than argue.
Discussions go back and forth as those involved listen and then respond, avoid talking over or contradicting people when they are talking.
4. Cultivate a 'training' voice.
Remember, the tone of your voice means more than what you say. Watch your body language. Keep your body open and relaxed.
5. Never lose an opportunity to praise or say a kind word.
Say something nice to someone. Look for what is good and say something about it.
6. Exceed expectations.
Always go the extra mile and do more than is expected of you. Better yet, do it with a smile.
7. Learn to be objective about personal criticism.
Don’t spend time worrying about things you have no control over. Be true to yourself. When you receive feedback, accept it graciously as useful information. It doesn't mean you have to take any action.
8. Respect the feelings of others.
Treat others the way you believe they would like to be treated. The more time you take to understand your trainees, the better your interactions will be.
9. Refuse to discuss the shortcomings of others.
Discourage gossip. Gossip does not do anyone any good. We all know that, so why do we do it? Try making a good and positive comment for every gossipy one you hear. Shut down this type of communication by refusing to be a part of it. Gossip creates a toxic environment for training and makes your job more difficult.
10. Let your virtues speak for themselves.
Dust off those communication skills you know, but you don’t always use, to work toward better communication and understanding.