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Web Marketing Part 1

Develop a clear unique selling proposition

Do you know what sets you apart from your competition?

If you don’t, you’re not ready to advertise online.

What the value proposition consists of

The value proposition is usually a block of text (a headline, sub-headline and one paragraph of text) with a visual (photo, hero shot, graphics).

There is no one right way to go about it, but I suggest you start with the following formula:


What is the end-benefit you’re offering, in 1 short sentence.

Mention the product and/or the customer.

Attention grabber

Sub-headline or a 2-3 sentence paragraph.

A specific explanation of what you do/offer, for whom and why is it useful.

3 bullet points

List the key benefits or features.


Images communicate much faster than words.

Use an image reinforcing your main message.

Evaluate your current value proposition by checking whether it answers the questions below:

  • What product or service is your company selling?

  • What is the end-benefit of using it?

  • Who is your target customer for this product or service?

  • What makes your offering unique and different?

Use the headline-paragraph-bullets-visual formula to structure the answers.

Use social proof

“Social proof” (customer feedback, awards won, etc.) is a powerful factor in converting leads online.

Reviews and testimonials are becoming increasingly important.

To make the most of your campaigns, you’ll want to include this real-life customer feedback on your landing pages.

Fine-Tune Your Email Strategy

In 2015, 20 percent of companies reported ROI of over 70 to 1 on email marketing spend.

So if you haven’t been taking email seriously as a marketing channel, now’s the time to change your tune.

Think about it. Email marketing can be as targeted and personal as you want it to be. Better still, it’s a direct channel to your existing customer base.

Email not only keeps you top of mind for repeat business and also creates opportunities for email forwarding, social sharing, and referral business. All you have to do is create and share content that provides value to your subscribers.

In other words, focus less on promoting your services and instead think about the needs of your audience. Answer the questions you encounter in your day-to-day life as a mortgage broker, offer tips and how-to guides, or just share industry adjacent content that your audience will find interesting.

If you’re providing value, you’re doing it right.

AUTOMATE your follow-up with clients to generate referrals even easier

Set up an email marketing system to send out emails on a regular basis to your current clients.

This could be to share information and/or to prompt referrals.

Here’s a sample email sequence:

1st email Thank you for your business!

2nd email (2 days later)- Win a £XX Gift Card for every referral!

3rd email (5 days later)- Help your friends and family remortgage & win a FREE gift!

Each email that gets sent out should promote your practice and remind clients you’d appreciate any referrals.

Keep the Visual Content Coming

Remember, content isn’t a text-only affair. When you’re out on the town, take a few pictures or shoot some video.

Visual content is eye-catching and shareable, so it not only keeps you top of mind but also helps you expand your reach. In fact, articles that include images once every 75 to 100 words get twice the social shares.

That’s not all. Infographics are liked and shared three times more often than other types of social media content.

So if you’ve got a few ground-breaking mortgage statistics to share with your audience, an infographic is the way to go.

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